Flow Meters
Smart Measurement ATMF Meter
The most common mass flow meter used for gases are thermal flow meters, or thermal dispersion flow meters the SmartMeasurement ATMF series. The ATMF utilizes constant temperature difference method of measuring Gas Mass Flow Rate. It contains two reference grade platinum RTD sensors clad in a protective 316 SS sheath. Features direct Mass Flow for gases, wide rangeability, low pressure drops, very low-end sensitivity, and no moving parts. The ATMF series is microprocessor based, does not have any potentiometers. Electronics can be Integral Style or remote mount with rugged windowed dual compartment enclosure with local or remote display. Four models are available from the low-cost blind meters to the more exotic featured SP models.
Direct mass flow measurement for gases in industrial automation and HVAC, specially designed for measuring low-pressure compressed gases with excellent accuracy.
Any compressed gas application requiring mass flow measurement such as compressed gas flow measurement, fuels, flares, stack gas in industrial automation, HVAC systems, and environmental monitoring.
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